What is a Mummy Makeover?

A mummy makeover is a suite of cosmetic procedures that will restore your body shape after pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. 

Mummy makeover surgery is usually focused on the breasts and abdomen as these are the most affected by pregnancy changes.

Why do women opt for rejuvenating surgery after childbirth?

Many women find the contrast between their pre-pregnancy body and their post-baby appearance challenging. 

The size and shape of the breasts can change and weight gained during pregnancy can be hard to shift.

With an average weight gain of between 10 and 12.5kg, your skin and muscles may be stretched to the limit, especially on your abdomen where stretch marks, lax skin and loose muscles are common legacies of pregnancy. 

Multiple pregnancies can make the effects more significant and even a healthy diet and strenuous exercise may not give you the body you want.

Which surgical procedures are typically included in mummy makeover surgery?

The mummy makeover can be individually designed for you to rejuvenate all the parts of your body affected by pregnancy, breastfeeding and childbirth. 

Using a variety of tightening and contouring procedures, Miss Breahna will resculpt your body and recreate a visually pleasing body shape.

The most popular surgical procedures that Miss Breahna performs for her clients during a mummy makeover are:

Tummy tuck

The surgical term for a tummy tuck is an abdominoplasty. In Miss Breahna’s skilled hands, this is a straightforward procedure to remove sagging skin and excess tissue from the abdomen.

The abdominal muscles can be very stretched by your growing baby and these can be tightened at the same time.

The tummy tuck will give you a flatter and more toned profile, allowing you to fit into your favourite jeans much more comfortably.


Some lucky women only develop a neat bump that disappears after their baby is born.

Most women gain pregnancy weight all over the body. Despite your best efforts, you may still have stubborn fat deposits on the abdomen, hips, thighs, flanks and arms months after your baby is born.

Miss Breahna uses liposuction to remove excess fat from these areas, recontouring your body to restore a sleeker profile.

Breast augmentation or breast lift

The size of your breasts can change considerably during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Your breasts may lose volume and firmness, causing them to look saggy.

Some patients only require a breast lift to remove stretched skin and restore the position of the breast and its nipple.

Other women prefer to combine the uplift with a breast augmentation using breast implants to boost breast volume and restore the rounded shape of the cleavage.

Breast reduction

Post-baby breasts can be significantly larger than before conception and Miss Breahna can perform breast reduction surgery to make your breasts smaller and firmer, restoring the proportions of your body. 

Other plastic surgery procedures that could be part of a makeover for a new mother

Miss Breahna often performs arm and thigh lifts during the mummy makeover. Fat techniques can also be used as part of the recontouring process.

Some women opt to have a labiaplasty to restore the appearance of the labia after childbirth.

Recovery after makeover surgery

Mummy makeover patients remain in the hospital for a couple of nights after surgery depending on the treatments that have been performed. Full recovery may take up to three months and Miss Breahna encourages her patients to rest as much as possible initially to give the body time to heal.

Miss Breahna often performs all the aspects of the mummy makeover at the same time but your individual case may mean that more than one procedure is preferable. If you have had multiple procedures your recovery time may be affected.

Is mummy makeover surgery risky?

Plastic surgery procedures carry all the same risks as any surgery.

General surgical complications like bleeding, bruising, and the risk of infection are all possible after a mummy makeover. However, these risks are all minimised by your choice of an excellent surgeon.

Miss Breahna’s expertise and her commitment to your aftercare will make you feel confident that your surgical procedure will have an excellent outcome.

The mummy makeover with Anca Breahna

Anca Breahna brings a feminine perspective to her cosmetic surgery work as well as vast experience and surgical expertise.

Miss Breahna always has two consultations with clients considering mummy makeover surgery. She will be completely honest with you about whether the surgical approach is right for you. If surgery is appropriate, then she will ensure that you have realistic expectations about the end result.

You will have two consultations at Miss Breahna’s Cheshire Clinic and together you can design a mummy makeover procedure that will restore your physical appearance and return you to your confident self. 

Find out more about mummy makeovers

Why not contact Miss Breahna’s Cheshire clinic today to book a consultation?

Further Reading about Body Procedures with Consultant Plastic Surgeon Anca Breahna


Anca Breahna - Plastic Surgeon

Miss Anca Breahna is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon in Chester UK. She performs Breast, Face and Body Surgery at Nuffield Hospital Chester as well as Minor Surgery, Skin and Hand Procedures in her rooms at Cheshire Cosmetic Surgery. Dr Anca Breahna FRCS (Plast) is proud to be one of the few leading female Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic surgeons in the UK serving people primarily across Cheshire, Merseyside, North Wales and The Wirral. She is an experienced UK-trained plastic surgeon with multiple awarded fellowships since completing her training. With her commitment to the highest possible standard of care, Miss Breahna aims to bring you the epitome of excellence in cosmetic surgery, well-being and results, ensuring your surgical journey is a successful one.