Skin Surgery

Anca Breahna is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon and specialises in skin surgery (skin cancer, mole removal and scar revision) in Cheshire. Skin surgery is usually performed as a day case under local anaesthetic, and can correct a variety of conditions.
For private skin surgery performed in-clinic please visit the Cheshire Cosmetic Surgery website.
At a glance
30-60 minutes
Local anaesthetic
Day surgery
Up to 7 days off work
2 weeks
Skin Cancer Surgery (Basal and Squamous Cell Carcinoma)
In her NHS practice Miss Breahna has a special interest in skin cancer surgery runs a weekly skin cancer clinic and is a member of the local skin cancer MDT (multidisciplinary meeting). She is able to remove keratotic lesions, basal cell carcinomas (“rodent ulcers” or BCC) , squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and malignant melanoma (MM). Surgical removal of a skin cancer involves removing the growth and a certain amount of normal-looking skin surrounding it (“The margin”). Most times it is possible to close the resulting wound by simple stitching up the wound with stitches (direct closure). In certain instances a skin graft or a local flap (moving skin from the vicinity) may be required and Miss Breahna will be able to discuss with you the most suitable method for your particular skin cancer.
Mole Removal, Birthmarks and Skin Tags
Mole removal is sometimes necessary as moles (also cladded “naevi”) can sometimes be both unattractive and a nuisance. They can get caught on clothing, necklaces, get cut during shaving, bleed and become a source of concern. They can be removed quickly under local anaesthetic with or without the need to cut the skin or have stitches (shave excision). All moles will be examined by Miss Breahna who will diagnose it before removal. Miss Breahna may decide to remove the whole mole (excision biopsy). In most cases it is recommended the moles to be sent away to the laboratory for tissue sampling. You are in good hands, as Miss Breahna performs hundreds of these procedures in both her NHS and private practice and is a member of the local skin cancer MDT .
Excision of lumps
Usually performed under local anaesthetic and treated as a day case, the excision of lumps and bumps is a minor procedure to remove Lipomas (fatty lumps), cysts and ganglions. Depending on the size and location of your lump, Miss Breahna may advise to have it done under general anaesthetic. Tissue sampling by the pathologist may occasionally be recommended.
Scar Revision
Miss Breahna is able to assess and treat any problematic, ugly or itchy scar either using cosmetic surgery techniques or less invasive procedures such as steroid injections or silicone sheets. If you have a scar that you do not like if it is too wide or too lumpy, scar revision surgery can be used to improve the appearance of that scar. The most common scar revision is for cesarean section or C-section scar revision as it’s called, although if you have an overhang of skin (so called “pouch”) then you may require a mini tummy tuck too.
Download the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) fact sheet on this procedure.
Frequently asked questions
Am I suitable for skin surgery treatment?
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your skin due to a lesion or an unattractive scar, you might be a candidate for this treatment. If you are concerned with the appearance of new skin growth and you would like to rule out skin cancer, you can book a consultation for a full assessment with Consultant Plastic Surgeon Anca Breahna.
Is it painful?
The procedure is performed with the use of anaesthetic, so there will be no discomfort during the intervention.