
Blepharoplasty and Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses after Eyelid Lift Surgery

As a contact lens wearer, you may be considering blepharoplasty to rejuvenate your eye appearance and address any functional concerns. While the prospect of eyelid surgery is exciting, it’s natural to have questions about how the procedure might affect your contact lens wear and comfort. In this blog post, Consultant Plastic Surgeon Anca Breahna will explore the important considerations for contact lens wearers undergoing blepharoplasty, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of what to expect during your recovery and beyond.

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When Can You Resume Wearing Contact Lenses after Blepharoplasty?

One of the most common questions contact lens wearers have about blepharoplasty is when they can resume wearing their lenses. The answer depends on several factors, including the extent of your surgery, your individual healing process, and your surgeon’s recommendations.

Typically, patients are advised to avoid wearing contact lenses for a period of time after blepharoplasty to allow the eyes to heal properly. This can range from a few days to several weeks, depending on the specific case. During the initial recovery period, your eyelids may be swollen, tender, and more sensitive than usual, making contact lens wear uncomfortable or even impossible.

It’s important to follow Anca’s guidelines for resuming contact lens wear. She will assess your healing progress during follow-up appointments and advise you on when it’s safe to start wearing your lenses again. Attempting to wear contact lenses too soon can lead to discomfort, irritation, or even complications that may prolong your recovery.

In some cases, patients may need to wait longer to resume contact lens wear if they experience persistent swelling, dryness, or other post-surgical symptoms. Anca will work closely with you to monitor your recovery and make personalised recommendations based on your progress.

Remember that everyone heals differently, and there is no one-size-fits-all timeline for resuming contact lens wear after blepharoplasty. Be patient with your body and allow yourself the necessary time to heal. In the meantime, you can use alternative vision correction methods, such as glasses, to ensure clear and comfortable vision during your recovery.


How Blepharoplasty Can Affect Contact Lens Fit

Another concern contact lens wearers may have about blepharoplasty is how the procedure can affect the fit of their lenses. The eyelids play a crucial role in maintaining the position and stability of contact lenses on the eye surface. When the shape or tension of the eyelids is altered through surgery, it can potentially impact how your lenses sit on your eyes.

After blepharoplasty, you may experience changes in your eyelid contour, especially if excess skin or fat was removed. This can lead to a slightly different eye shape, which may affect the way your contact lenses fit. In some cases, lenses that previously felt comfortable and secure may now feel loose, unstable, or even cause irritation.

Additionally, the healing process after blepharoplasty can involve swelling and temporary changes in eyelid position. As the swelling subsides and the tissues settle, the fit of your contact lenses may continue to evolve. This is why it’s essential to wait until your eyes have fully healed before assessing the need for any contact lens adjustments.

Once you’re cleared to resume contact lens wear, it’s important to visit your optometrist for a thorough evaluation. They will assess the fit of your current lenses and determine if any modifications are needed. In some cases, you may require a different type of lens material, curvature, or size to achieve optimal comfort and stability post-surgery.

Your optometrist will work closely with you to find the best contact lens solution for your individual needs. They may recommend specialty lenses, such as custom-fit or scleral lenses, which can provide a more stable and comfortable fit for post-blepharoplasty eyes.

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Dry Eye after Blepharoplasty: A Challenge for Contact Lens Wearers

Dry eye is a common concern for many contact lens wearers, and it can be particularly challenging after blepharoplasty. The eyelids play a vital role in distributing tears and maintaining the stability of the tear film on the eye surface. When the eyelids are altered through surgery, it can disrupt the natural blinking process and lead to increased tear evaporation.

After blepharoplasty, you may experience temporary or long-term dry eye symptoms, such as:

  • Stinging, burning, or itching sensations in the eyes
  • Redness and irritation
  • Gritty or foreign body sensation
  • Blurred or fluctuating vision
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Excessive tearing, especially in windy or dry environments

These symptoms can be particularly bothersome for contact lens wearers, as the lenses can further exacerbate dryness and discomfort. Dry eyes can make contact lens wear more challenging, leading to reduced wear time, lens instability, and even an increased risk of complications such as infections.

To manage dry eye after blepharoplasty, your eye care team may recommend various strategies, including:

  • Artificial tears or lubricating eye drops to supplement natural tear production
  • Warm compresses to help stimulate oil gland function and improve tear quality
  • Omega-3 fatty acid supplements to support tear film stability
  • Prescription eye drops or ointments to address inflammation or other underlying causes of dry eye
  • Adjustments to your contact lens material, replacement schedule, or care routine to minimise dryness and irritation

In some cases, your optometrist may recommend speciality contact lenses designed for dry eye sufferers, such as scleral lenses or bandage contact lenses. These lenses can help protect the eye surface, maintain a stable tear film, and provide enhanced comfort for post-blepharoplasty eyes.

Protecting Your Eyes from Infection after Blepharoplasty

As a contact lens wearer undergoing blepharoplasty, it’s crucial to be vigilant about protecting your eyes from infection during the healing process. The incisions made during the surgery can create potential entry points for bacteria, increasing the risk of complications if proper hygiene measures are not followed.

To minimise the risk of infection, it’s essential to adhere to a strict contact lens hygiene routine. This includes:

  • Washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling your lenses
  • Using a clean, lint-free towel to dry your hands before touching your lenses or eyes
  • Cleaning and disinfecting your lenses daily with the recommended solution
  • Replacing your contact lens case every 1-3 months and cleaning it regularly with hot water and disinfecting solution
  • Avoiding swimming or using hot tubs while wearing contact lenses
  • Never sleeping in your lenses unless specifically prescribed by your optometrist
  • Removing your lenses immediately if you experience any discomfort, redness, or irritation

In addition to these general hygiene practices, Anca may provide specific instructions for contact lens wear during your recovery. This may include avoiding contact lenses for a certain period after surgery, using preservative-free lubricating drops, or taking extra precautions when cleaning your lenses and eyes.

It’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of potential infection, such as:

  • Persistent redness, swelling, or pain in the eyes
  • Discharge or excessive tearing
  • Blurred or decreased vision
  • Increased light sensitivity
  • A gritty or foreign body sensation in the eyes

If you experience any of these symptoms, remove your contact lenses immediately and contact your eye care team for guidance. Prompt treatment is essential to prevent the spread of infection and protect your eye health.

Do You Need a New Contact Lens Prescription after Eyelid Surgery?

After blepharoplasty, you may wonder if you need a new contact lens prescription. The answer depends on several factors, including the extent of your surgery, the stability of your vision, and any changes in the shape or position of your eyelids.

In some cases, blepharoplasty can affect your vision, particularly if the surgery involved the removal of excess skin or fat that was obscuring your visual field. As your eyes heal and adjust to the new eyelid contours, you may notice slight changes in your vision, such as improved peripheral vision or a reduction in visual obstructions.

Additionally, the altered shape and tension of your eyelids can affect the way your contact lenses sit on your eyes, potentially impacting your visual acuity and comfort. If your lenses no longer fit properly or provide the same level of vision correction as before, you may need an updated prescription.

To determine if you need a new contact lens prescription, it’s essential to visit your optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam after your blepharoplasty. Your optometrist will assess your vision, evaluate the fit and stability of your current lenses, and check for any post-surgical changes that may affect your contact lens wear.

During the exam, your optometrist may perform various tests, including:

  • Visual acuity measurements to check your clarity of vision
  • Refraction tests to determine your updated prescription strength
  • Slit-lamp examination to assess the health of your eyes and eyelids
  • Contact lens fit evaluation to ensure proper lens centration, movement, and comfort

Based on the results of these tests, your optometrist will determine if you need a new contact lens prescription or if any modifications to your current lenses are necessary. They may recommend a different lens material, design, or replacement schedule to optimise your vision and comfort post-blepharoplasty.

Will Contact Lens Wear Affect the Results of My Blepharoplasty?

One of the concerns contact lens wearers may have about blepharoplasty is the long-term impact on their ability to wear lenses comfortably. Rest assured that with proper care and attention, you can enjoy comfortable contact lens wear for years to come after your surgery.

Many patients who have undergone blepharoplasty have reported successful and comfortable contact lens wear long after their recovery. By following the recommended guidelines for lens hygiene, replacement, and follow-up care, they have been able to maintain healthy eyes and clear vision.

Alternatives to Contact Lenses after Blepharoplasty Surgery

While you may be eager to resume wearing your contact lenses after blepharoplasty, it’s important to remember that your eyes need time to heal. During the initial recovery period, Anca will advise you to avoid contact lens wear to prevent irritation, infection, or other complications.

However, this doesn’t mean you have to compromise on clear vision. There are several alternative options available to help you see clearly and comfortably while your eyes recover:

  1. Prescription glasses: Wearing your up-to-date prescription glasses is the safest and most straightforward option during your recovery. If you don’t have a current pair, consider visiting your optometrist before your surgery to ensure you have the correct prescription.
  2. Magnifying glasses: If you only require vision correction for reading or close-up work, a pair of magnifying glasses can be a convenient and affordable solution during your recovery.

These alternative vision correction options are temporary measures to help you navigate your daily life while your eyes heal. Once your surgeon and optometrist determine that your eyes are ready, you can gradually resume wearing your contact lenses and enjoy the convenience and comfort they provide. In the meantime, be patient with your recovery process and prioritise the health and safety of your eyes.

FAQs about Blepharoplasty and Contact Lenses

Can I wear contact lenses immediately after my blepharoplasty?

  • No, it is not recommended to wear contact lenses immediately after blepharoplasty. Anca will provide specific guidelines on when you can safely resume contact lens wear, which is typically several days to weeks after your surgery, depending on your individual healing process.

Will I need to use different contact lens solutions after my blepharoplasty?

  • In most cases, you can continue using the same contact lens solutions you used before your surgery. However, your eye care team may recommend preservative-free or more gentle solutions during your recovery to minimise irritation. Always follow your optometrist’s recommendations for contact lens care.

Can I have LASIK or other vision correction surgery instead of wearing contact lenses after blepharoplasty?

  • While LASIK or other vision correction surgeries can be an option for some patients, it’s important to discuss this with your eye care team. They will assess your individual case and determine if you are a good candidate for these procedures, taking into account factors such as your eye health, stability of vision, and the timing of your blepharoplasty recovery.

How long will it take for my eyes to fully heal and stabilise after blepharoplasty?

  • The healing process after blepharoplasty is different for everyone, but most patients experience significant improvement in swelling and bruising within 2-3 weeks. However, it can take several months for your eyes to fully heal and stabilise. Your surgeon and optometrist will monitor your progress and provide personalised guidance on your recovery timeline and when you can expect to resume your normal contact lens wear routine.

Further Reading about Blepharoplasty with Consultant Plastic Surgeon Anca Breahna

Medical References about Blepharoplasty

Anca Breahna - Plastic Surgeon

Miss Anca Breahna is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon in Chester UK. She performs Breast, Face and Body Surgery at Nuffield Hospital Chester as well as Minor Surgery, Skin and Hand Procedures in her rooms at Cheshire Cosmetic Surgery. Dr Anca Breahna FRCS (Plast) is proud to be one of the few leading female Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic surgeons in the UK serving people primarily across Cheshire, Merseyside, North Wales and The Wirral. She is an experienced UK-trained plastic surgeon with multiple awarded fellowships since completing her training. With her commitment to the highest possible standard of care, Miss Breahna aims to bring you the epitome of excellence in cosmetic surgery, well-being and results, ensuring your surgical journey is a successful one.