Cosmetic Surgery

Injectables vs. Surgery

Why Different Age Groups Choose Different Procedures

Have you ever wondered why your friend in her 20s is so excited about lip fillers, while your aunt is considering a facelift? The world of aesthetic procedures is as diverse as the people who seek them, and age plays an important role in determining which treatments (injectables or surgery) are most popular and effective.

The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) has recently released its 2023 global survey, offering a glimpse into the preferences and trends in cosmetic procedures worldwide. This comprehensive study, which gathered data from over 1,600 plastic surgeons across the globe, reveals that age is indeed more than just a number when it comes to choosing between injectables and surgical options.

Consultant Plastic Surgeon Anca Breahna performs both surgical and non-surgical procedures to help you achieve the aesthetic results you desire.

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The Youth Movement: 18-34 Age Group

If you’re part of the 18-34 age group, you’re likely familiar with the ‘prejuvenation’ trend. This proactive approach to aesthetics focuses on preventing signs of ageing before they become apparent. The ISAPS survey reveals that for this age group, non-surgical treatments reign supreme.

Botulinum Toxin takes the crown as the most popular procedure, with a whopping 2,130,718 treatments performed in 2023 for this age range. Following closely are hyaluronic acid fillers, which are often used for lip enhancement and cheek augmentation.

But why the preference for injectables? As a younger adult, you’re likely looking for subtle enhancements that don’t require significant downtime. Injectables offer quick results with minimal recovery, allowing you to maintain your busy lifestyle. Moreover, these treatments are often more budget-friendly than surgical options, making them accessible to those early in their careers.

Surgical procedures aren’t entirely off the table for this age group, though. Rhinoplasty (nose reshaping) and breast augmentation are popular choices for those seeking more permanent changes. However, the trend leans heavily towards the less invasive options, reflecting a desire to preserve natural features while making minor tweaks.

Prime Time Choices: 35-50 Age Group

As you enter your prime years, you might notice the first significant signs of ageing. The 35-50 age group represents a transitional phase where both preventative and corrective treatments come into play.

Botulinum Toxin remains the top choice, with an impressive 4,350,216 procedures performed in 2023 for this age range. However, you’ll notice a shift towards more complex treatments. Hyaluronic acid fillers are increasingly used to address volume loss in the cheeks and to soften nasolabial folds.

Surgical procedures start gaining traction in this age group. Liposuction tops the list of surgical interventions, followed by breast augmentation and eyelid surgery. These choices reflect a desire to address both facial ageing and body contouring concerns.

The balancing act between injectables and surgery becomes more nuanced in this age range. While non-surgical options are still favoured for their convenience, many in this group begin to consider more lasting solutions. It’s a time of weighing the benefits of quick fixes against the long-term results of surgical interventions.

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Midlife Refresh: 51-64 Age Group

As you cruise into your 50s and early 60s, you might find yourself reassessing your aesthetic goals. The ISAPS survey shows that while non-surgical treatments remain popular, there’s a notable increase in surgical procedures for this age group.

Botulinum Toxin continues to be a favourite, with 1,970,914 procedures performed in 2023 for the 51-64 age range. However, more substantial treatments like facelifts and eyelid surgeries see a significant uptick. This shift reflects a desire for more dramatic and lasting results to combat the more visible signs of ageing.

The mix of injectables and surgery becomes more balanced in this age group. While fillers are still used to address volume loss, they’re often combined with surgical procedures for a more comprehensive rejuvenation. For instance, a facelift might be complemented by fat grafting or dermal fillers to achieve optimal results.

Body contouring procedures like abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) also gain popularity, addressing concerns that diet and exercise alone may not solve. It’s a time when many feel confident in investing in more substantial procedures to align their appearance with how they feel on the inside.

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Golden Years Glow: 65+ Age Group

Entering your golden years doesn’t mean bidding farewell to aesthetic treatments. In fact, the ISAPS survey reveals that those 65 and older are increasingly seeking procedures to maintain a youthful appearance.

While the overall number of procedures decreases compared to younger age groups, with 363,998 Botulinum Toxin treatments in 2023, the types of treatments sought become more specialised. Facial rejuvenation procedures like facelifts, neck lifts, and eyelid surgeries are particularly popular among this demographic.

Injectables still play a role, but they’re often used in conjunction with surgical procedures to enhance overall results. For instance, dermal fillers might be used to fine-tune the results of a facelift or to address specific areas of volume loss.

Considerations for cosmetic procedures in older adults include overall health status, recovery time, and the potential need for multiple treatments to achieve desired results. It’s important for this age group to consult with experienced professionals who understand the unique needs and considerations of mature skin and facial structures.

The Rise of Non-Surgical Options

Across all age groups, non-surgical treatments have seen a remarkable rise in popularity. The ISAPS survey highlights that Botulinum Toxin and hyaluronic acid fillers are the two most popular procedures worldwide, with 8,877,991 and 5,564,866 treatments performed respectively in 2023.

The appeal of injectables lies in their versatility, minimal downtime, and immediate results. Whether you’re looking to smooth wrinkles, enhance lips, or restore volume to your cheeks, there’s likely an injectable treatment that can address your concerns.

However, it’s important to understand the limitations of non-surgical treatments. While they can provide significant improvements, the results are temporary, typically lasting from a few months to a year. This necessitates regular maintenance treatments to sustain the effects.

Moreover, injectables can’t address all aesthetic concerns. They’re excellent for softening lines and adding volume, but they can’t replicate the lifting effect of a surgical facelift or the dramatic changes possible with procedures like rhinoplasty.

When and Why People Choose Surgery

While non-surgical options dominate the overall numbers, surgical procedures remain an important part of the aesthetic landscape. The ISAPS survey reveals that liposuction, breast augmentation, and eyelid surgery are the top three surgical procedures worldwide.

The decision to undergo surgery often comes down to the desire for more dramatic, long-lasting results. As you age, you might find that injectables alone can’t achieve the rejuvenation you’re seeking. This is when procedures like facelifts, which can set back the clock by a decade or more, become appealing.

Body contouring surgeries like liposuction and abdominoplasty are popular across various age groups, addressing concerns that diet and exercise alone can’t solve. These procedures can provide impressive results, boosting both appearance and self-confidence.

The factors influencing the decision to undergo surgery include the extent of correction needed, the desire for long-lasting results, and the willingness to undergo a more intensive procedure with a longer recovery period. It’s a personal decision that often comes after careful consideration and consultation with a qualified surgeon.

When Injectables Lead to Surgery

Interestingly, the journey from non-surgical to surgical treatments isn’t always a straight line. Many people start with injectables as a way to ‘test the waters’ of aesthetic treatments. This can lead to increased comfort with the idea of enhancing one’s appearance, potentially paving the way for surgical procedures down the line.

For younger individuals, starting with injectables can be a way to address early signs of ageing and potentially delay the need for surgery. However, as the effects of ageing progress, some find that they desire more complex solutions, leading them to consider surgical options.

The transition from injectables to surgery often occurs in the 40s and 50s, when the limitations of non-surgical treatments become more apparent. For instance, while Botulinum Toxin can effectively smooth dynamic wrinkles, it can’t address sagging skin or significant volume loss, which might lead someone to consider a facelift.

It’s worth noting that even after opting for surgery, many people continue to use injectables as a complementary treatment. This combination approach can help maintain and enhance surgical results, providing a solution to ageing concerns.

Choosing the Right Procedure for Your Age

When it comes to navigating the world of aesthetic treatments, expert guidance is invaluable. Consultant Plastic Surgeon Anca Breahna offers her insights on choosing age-appropriate procedures:

“The key is to start with a thorough assessment of your individual needs and goals,” says Anca. “What works for one person in their 30s might not be suitable for another. It’s about finding the right balance between addressing current concerns and planning for the future.”

For younger patients, Anca often recommends a focus on skincare and preventative treatments. “Starting with good skincare habits and perhaps light chemical peels or laser treatments can set a strong foundation,” she advises. “As you move into your 30s and 40s, neuromodulator injections and fillers can be excellent options for maintaining a youthful appearance.”

When it comes to surgical procedures, Anca emphasises the importance of timing. “There’s no ‘right’ age for surgery, but generally, we see patients considering more extensive procedures in their 50s and beyond. The key is to intervene when non-surgical options are no longer providing satisfactory results.”

Regardless of your age, Anca stresses the importance of consulting with an experienced plastic surgeon. “An experienced professional can guide you through your options, helping you make informed decisions that align with your goals and lifestyle”.

FAQs about Injectables vs Plastic Surgery

At what age should I start considering aesthetic treatments?

  • There is no set age when one should begin aesthetic treatments, as it depends on individual goals, skin type, ageing process, and other personal factors. However, many people start to consider preventative treatments in their late 20s or early 30s when the first signs of ageing, such as fine lines, may begin to appear. Make sure to consult with a qualified professional, like a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, to assess your skin and determine what treatments, if any, may be right for you at your current stage.

Are non-surgical treatments safe for all age groups?

  • Generally speaking, non-surgical aesthetic treatments can be safe for adults of all ages when performed by a qualified and experienced practitioner. These include treatments like neuromodulators, dermal fillers, chemical peels, microneedling, and various energy-based therapies. However, the suitability and safety of any specific treatment depends on individual factors such as skin type, medical history, medications, allergies, and the particular ageing concerns being addressed. Certain treatments may not be advised for older individuals due to skin fragility or health issues.

How long do the effects of injectables last compared to surgery?

  • In general, the results from injectable treatments like neuromodulators and dermal fillers are temporary, lasting anywhere from a few months to a year or more. Neuromodulators effects typically last 3-4 months, while fillers can last 6-12 months or longer depending on the product and treatment area. Touch-up treatments are required to maintain results. In contrast, the results of cosmetic surgery tend to be much longer-lasting, often for many years, as surgery physically alters tissue and structure. For example, a surgical facelift can reset the ageing clock by around 7-10 years and results can last a decade or more, according to studies. However, it’s important to understand that surgery doesn’t stop the ageing process altogether. The face will continue to age and be subject to gravity and other factors, so ongoing maintenance procedures may still be beneficial.

Can I combine surgical and non-surgical treatments?

  • Absolutely, surgical and non-surgical aesthetic treatments can be combined for synergistic and comprehensive rejuvenation. In fact, many plastic surgeons recommend a multi-modality approach to achieve the most natural and optimal anti-ageing results.

Is there an upper age limit for cosmetic procedures?

  • Technically there is no strict upper age limit for having cosmetic procedures; people well into their 70s and 80s can undergo both surgical and non-surgical aesthetic treatments. However, important considerations like overall health, medical conditions, medications, skin fragility, healing capacity, and ability to undergo anaesthesia and recover from invasive procedures become increasingly relevant with advanced age.

Further Reading about Plastic Surgery with Consultant Plastic Surgeon Anca Breahna

Medical References for Plastic Surgery for Different Age sGroups

Anca Breahna - Plastic Surgeon

Miss Anca Breahna is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon in Chester UK. She performs Breast, Face and Body Surgery at Nuffield Hospital Chester as well as Minor Surgery, Skin and Hand Procedures in her rooms at Cheshire Cosmetic Surgery. Dr Anca Breahna FRCS (Plast) is proud to be one of the few leading female Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic surgeons in the UK serving people primarily across Cheshire, Merseyside, North Wales and The Wirral. She is an experienced UK-trained plastic surgeon with multiple awarded fellowships since completing her training. With her commitment to the highest possible standard of care, Miss Breahna aims to bring you the epitome of excellence in cosmetic surgery, well-being and results, ensuring your surgical journey is a successful one.